Sponsor a Student
Sponsor a Student
Sponsor a Student
We partner with Colegio Cristiano Havila (Havila Christian School) in Los Cedros, Nicaragua, to provide a quality education that would otherwise be out of reach for many families.
Havila provides hope for the children of Los Cedros by hiring excellent teachers and providing a nurturing and challenging learning environment. The school’s curriculum is approved by the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education.
For more information about the sponsorship program or the school, please see the FAQ below.
Students needing sponsors
Now is the time to sponsor a student. These students need your support. Without it, Havila will not be able to meet all of its students' basic needs.
Make a payment
Sponsor a student. For less than $2 a day you can open a door and give hope to a student who is thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow.
It costs $480 to sponsor one student for a full year.
The cost of sponsoring two students for a year is $912 ($456 per student). Please use the Coupon Code “discount-for-2” when checking out.
If you sponsor three or more students, the cost is $432 per student. Please use the Coupon Code “discount-for-3-plus” when checking out.
Sponsor a student.
The annual cost of sponsoring one student for a year is $480, which works out to $40 per month when paid over a 12-month period.
If you sponsor two students, the monthly rate is $76 per month for 12 months. Please use the Coupon Code “discount-for-2” when checking out.
If you sponsor three or more students, the monthly rate is $36 per student for 12 months. Please use the Coupon Code “discount-for-3-plus” when checking out.
Your sponsorship allows a child to go to school and will change his or her life forever.
With this subscription option, you don’t have to remember to send in your monthly payment. Your credit card will be charged each month until you cancel.
While sponsorships help fund school operations, your one-time donation allows us to address needs and opportunities that go above and beyond the school budget.
Together with local leaders, we prioritize their use to have the greatest impact at the school and in the community.
In this season, we are focusing on providing food and other necessities for families most hurt by Nicaragua’s economic downturn and building a college scholarship fund for Havila’s high school graduates.
Thank you for taking the time to write to your student. They will enjoy it so much!
You are just one click away from a quick and easy form to write your letter in English or in Spanish.
To pay by check, make your check out to “UNIDOS Nicaragua” and mail it to:
UNIDOS Nicaragua
9805 NE 116th Street
PMB #7493
Kirkland, WA 98034
Sponsor a future
Sponsoring a student creates hope and opportunity for a child’s future.
It’s easy to do. Write to your student twice a year and build a relationship that will add meaning to your financial support.
You have an opportunity to connect with a child and make a difference in his or her life.
It just might change your life as well.
Your donations may be tax deductible, and you will receive giving statements from UNIDOS Nicaragua.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The cost of sponsoring one student is $480 per year. If you sponsor two students, the cost is $912 a year ($456 per student). The cost of sponsoring three or more students is $432 per student.
Sponsorship funds are applied towards the Havila’s operating costs.
No. In 2023, the money raised from sponsorships covered 76% of the school’s expenses. We raised another 8% from other sources. The rest of the school’s financial needs were met by local sources and other foreign donors.
Many families pay nothing at all. Some families pay a modest amount of tuition and fees as they are able. No family pays the full cost of attendance.
Havila was founded to serve the poorest of the poor, and school officials actively seek out those families in and around Los Cedros and encourage them to enroll their children at no charge.
Many families who can afford to pay something send their children to Havila because it has a reputation for excellence in education and/or because it is a Christian school that places a high priority on religious training and values.
We estimate the actual cost of attendance to be about $500 per student for the school year.
UNIDOS Nicaragua is an all-volunteer organization, and we work from our kitchen tables and living rooms. As a result, our administrative costs are minimal.
In 2023 our overhead was less than 2% of our income. Donations from sources other than sponsorships cover these costs, so 100% of sponsorship funds go directly to Havila.
High-profile organizations that have international sponsorship programs typically spend 10-20% of their income on administrative costs, including salaries.
About 422 students are enrolled for the 2025 school year.
About 412 students are enrolled for the 2023 school year.
Havila provides the full range of primary and secondary grades as typically found in Nicaragua: Three levels of preschool and grades 1 through 11.
Please contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.